Services for the national ESM community

Click here to access our strategy!

Our ambition is to create a world-leading, multiscale, seamless Earth system modelling system, usable in research, operational applications, training, and education. The modelling system considers German expertise, does not exclude international components but avoids dependencies and has a fit-for purpose transparent governance structure.

To provide such a system, we need to…

  • Share national resources and accelerate scientific and technological developments.
  • Establish a new level of sustainable institutional collaboration to develop this system.
  • Build a flexible infrastructure enabling configurations that allow resolution, length of simulation, complexity and ensemble size.

The natESM project receives fundings from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Who we are

Information about the goals, history and people behind the natESM project.

What we offer

We offer you a number of services like support through sprints, HPC introduction and training, and community report.

How to participate

Find out how you can become part of the natESM community.