
For greater diversity and variety of topics in the steering committee, two new members have joined.

  • Kira Rehfeld from the University of Tübingen.

    Since 2021 she holds the professorship for Climatology at Tübingen University.To study Earth system dynamics, her group runs climate model experiments, studies ice cores, speleothems and pollen as environmental recorders, combining this with complex systems science. They focus on climate model abilities for simulating climate variability, the role of forcing processes for the continuous spectrum of climate, and carbon dioxide removal (Source: Orcid.org).

  • Sönke Zaehle from MPI-BGC in Jena.

    His main research interest lies in the interaction of land biota with the climate system. The research integrates new ecophysiological knowledge, ecological observations (including plant trait information, in situ measurements, atmospheric concentration measurements, and remote sensing data) with modelling at different scales and levels of complexities. He develops, tests and applies large-scale process-based terrestrial biosphere models to understand the interactions between land-surface and atmospheric processes (Source: Bgc-jena.mpg.de)