
Jul 23, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Seminar room #034, DKRZ, Bundesstraße 45a , 20146 Hamburg

Contact Name

Contact Phone

+49 40 460094 - 283


Hendryk Bockelmann

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Spotlight on: GPU programming on LEVANTE Nvidia GPUs

This will cover

  • GPU/OpenACC
  • heterogeneous setup
  • NVIDIA: profiling and CUDA
  • Hands-on sessions: Getting started on GPUs and running own kernel

CAUTION: This workshop is not intended to cover aspects of AI and ML. It is about porting existing physical models from CPU to GPU.

  • Claudia Frauen, DKRZ
  • Dominik Zobel, DKRZ
  • Jan Frederik Engels, DKRZ
  • Harald Braun, Eviden
  • Dmitry Alexeev, NVIDIA

Please find the preliminary agenda here.

Registration is closed.

In case of questions, please contact project assistant Maria Rompe (rompe@dkrz.de).


Please bring your own laptop and make sure you have access to LEVANTE (via DKRZ user account).


DKRZ, Seminar room #034, Bundesstraße 45a , 20146 Hamburg

How to get to the venue from Hamburg main station

Map-DKRZ_2.png  DKRZ.png

Green hotel recommendations near the venue