In September 2018, before the natESM project officially started, the DKK organized a kick-off workshop for natESM in Berlin. The initiative for froming a natESM was presented to the community and also other ESM from France and UK presented their results and challenges for forming a national ESM.
Presentations and results
The workshop started with presentations from other countries:
- ESM in France [Sylvie Joussame(IPSL-CNRS)]
- ESM - a European perspective [Andy Brown(ECMWF)]
- National perspectives on the ESM strategy
- Max-Planck-Society [Jochem Marotzke (MPI-M)]
- Helmholtz perspectives [Thomas Jung (AWI)]
- University perspectives [Michael Schulz (MARUM and Univ. of Bremen)]
- Leibniz perspectives [Ina Tegen (TROPOS)]
- German Weather Service persepctives [Sarah Jones (DWD)]
After short discussions, the workshop was divided in Breakout Groups to scope the strategy further on - results here.
In the end it was summarized by Jochem Marotzke.
The agenda of the event.