In November 2024, we organized the last technical training in 2024 at JSC at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Presentations and results

The technical training provided an exhaustive examination of performance analysis and GPU programming. The emphasis was placed on the GPUs for exascale with the Jülich HPC Jupiter. Participants were given the opportunity to listen to several input presentations as well as hands-on experiences afterwards.

The training commenced with an overview of the architecture of GPUs on the HPC of Forschungszentrum Jülich and delved deeper into the topic of performance analysis through tutorials and hands-on sessions.

Day one: Performance analysis
  1. GPUs for Exascale: Introduction to JUPITER System and its GPUs by Andreas Herten (FZ Jülich)
  2. Parallel Performance Analysis and Score-P Basics by Markus Geimer (FZ Jülich)
  3. Tutorial : Parallel Performance Analysis and Score-P Basics (Hands-on I and Hands-on II) by Markus Geimer (FZ Jülich)
  4. Tutorial : Applying Score-P to an ESM Code (Hands-on III and Hands-on IV) by Markus Geimer  (FZ Jülich)
  5. Profiling ICON: Facing the Complex Realities by Markus Geimer (FZ Jülich)

The day concluded with a joint dinner in a restaurant, offering much time for open discussions and networking.

Day two: GPU programming

After everyone had gathered at the JSC again in the morning, the day started with some input before intensive hands-on sessions were held to teach and learn more about various software such as Kokkos, CUDA and OpenACC, emphasising the ways in which they can be employed to accelerate computations and optimise performance.

  1. Taming the Beasts - A Practical Overview of GPU Programming Models by Andreas Herten (FZ Jülich)
  2. Fast-Track to High Performance: Exploring OpenACC by Andreas Herten and team (FZ Jülich)
  3. Fast-Track to High Performance: Exploring CUDA (exercises on request) by Andreas Herten and team (FZ Jülich)
  4. Fast-Track to High Performance: Exploring Kokkos by Andreas Herten (FZ Jülich)
  5. Two ESM Experiences of Performance Portability: Born Into It or Maturing Into It by Daniel Caviedes-Voullième (FZ Jülich) 

The final agenda can be found here.
