Software-engineering aspects of composed Earth System Models

Organized collaboratively by the natESM support team, DKRZ, DLR, DWD, and MPI-M, we conducted a training workshop in November 23 with nearly 40 participants. This technically oriented workshop provided attendees with an overview of recent community activities and shared insights gained from natESM sprints focused on modularization and the composability of different models. Moreover, we conducted a successful hands-on session that was characterized by lively discussions, demonstrating how to utilize ICON data through the YAC-Python interface. ( ➜ Agenda )

The workshop covered the following topics
  • Approaches to coupling ESM components, illustrated using ICON
  • Coupling and interfacing of ESM components
  • YAC – ICON ComIn – YAXT
  • Practical session: Utilizing ICON data in-situ for various tasks through the YAC-Python interface
  1. Introduction (Hendryk Bockelmann, DKRZ)
  2. Interfacing with ICON - the ICON-CLM view (Trang van Pham, DWD)
  3. YAC for ICON (Moritz Hanke, DKRZ)
  4. A Pythonic way to use YAC + HANDS-ON (Nils-Arne Dreier, Moritz Hanke and Ralf Müller, all DKRZ)
  1. Generic API concepts in ESM - lessons learned from MESSy (Patrick Jöckel, DLR)
  2. Generic concepts of ICON ComIn (Florian Prill, DWD)
  3. natESM Sprint: Coupling MESSy to ICON via ComIn (Kerstin Hartung, DLR)
  4. YAXT as a coupler with tutorial (Thomas Jahns & Xingran Wang, DKRZ)
  5. Asynchronous component execution at the example of HAMOCC (Enrico Degregori, DKRZ)
  6. YAXT - improved SCALEXA vision and technical details (load-balancing) (Fabian Senf, TROPOS)
  7. Hiopy and healpix output (Tobias Kölling, MPI-M)

More Pictures can be found here.