At the end of March 23, we organized our third on-site community workshop in Berlin, and revived the joint development of our Earth system modeling strategy.

Main outcomes
  1. We announced the sprint checks as a low-threshold way into a sprint application and received a broad support from the community for this approach.
  2. The land surface was identified as the next-to-be-included core component of our modeling system.
  3. We agreed on a process for forming and dissolving temporary working groups. First ideas for such working groups were already suggested (→ more info).
Presentations and results

In the morning of the first day, we gave a review of what has happened so far in natESM, presented results from the first four sprints, and laid the basis for our discussions on the further development of our strategy.

  1. What have we done and achieved so far? [Iris Ehlert (DKRZ), Anja Schmidt (DLR, LMU), and Jochem Marotzke (MPI-M)]
  2. Challenges and results experienced during the ICON-ART sprint. [Sven Werchner (KIT), Enrico Degregori (DKRZ)]
  3. Challenges and results experienced during the ICON-mHM-YAC sprint. [Sebastian Müller (UFZ), Enrico Degregori (DKRZ)]
  4. Booster for FESOM 2.1. GPU support for Finite-volumE Sea ice-Ocean Model. [Dmitry Sidorenko (AWI), Wilton Jaciel Loch (DKRZ)]
  5. Challenges and results experienced during the first months of the ParFlow sprint. [Daniel Caviedes-Voullième (FZ Jülich), Jörg Benke (JSC)]
  6. How can we best pool our individual resources and expertise to establish a joint Earth system modelling capability in Germany? [Iris Ehlert (DKRZ)]

After a plenary discussion and a communicative lunch break, we split up into different working groups. The group leaders presented their results in the morning of the next day.

  1. Initially selected model components - consequences for other components. [Hauke Schmidt (MPI-M)]
  2. Interfaces and model composition. [Hendryk Bockelmann (DKRZ)]
  3. Missing model components. [Stefan Kollet (FZ Jülich)]
  4. Community building and communication. [Iris Ehlert (DKRZ)]

The final agenda can be found here.


More pictures can be found here.