Day 1 – Opening, sprint reviews, keynote & breakout groups

Morning sessions

Co-Chair Anja Schmidt opened  with a reflective presentation on the past year entitled: 

Next, participants examined the progress and challenges from three of the four sprints completed during the previous year (one presentation had to be cancelled due to illness):

Afternoon sessions

This was followed by two parallel breakout groups:

  • Land component with focus on feedback
  • YAC, ComIn, and beyond – What do you need from natESM?

In these sessions, participants engaged in dynamic discussions on code development, model innovations, and research insights. Presentations included:

The day concluded with an icebreaker and dinner, fostering further community interaction.

Day 2 – Dynamical core, shaping tomorrow & wrap-up

Morning keynote
One hour to shape tomorrow

Following the keynote, the workshop continued with an intensive hour to discuss

  • Land feedback and impact modelling
  • Unified atmospheric chemistry and aerosol modeling (Technical aspects)

Each group explored future components for the natESM system. The session results were then shared with the entire community:

  • The workshop concluded with a summary by Jochem Marotzke (MPI-M).

Find the workshop summary here.

For more details, check out the final agenda and learn about past events.

View the photos and explore more.