Day 1 – Opening, sprint reviews, keynote & breakout groups
Morning sessions
Co-Chair Anja Schmidt opened with a reflective presentation on the past year entitled:
- Ensuring the future readiness of the natESM system [Iris Ehlert (DKRZ), Anja Schmidt (DLR, LMU), Jochem Marotzke (MPI-M)]
Next, participants examined the progress and challenges from three of the four sprints completed during the previous year (one presentation had to be cancelled due to illness):
- CLEO sprint [Clara Bayley (MPI-M), Wilton Jaciel Loch (DKRZ)]
- IQ sprint [Julia Nabel (MPI BGC), Sergey Sukov (JSC)]
- modLSMcoup sprint [Stefan Poll (FZ Jülich), Jörg Benke (JSC)]
Afternoon sessions
- The afternoon began with the first keynote by Nikolay Koldunov (AWI) on "How AI is revolutionizing climate modeling" (View the PDF version or download the PPTX version with simulations >>here<<).
- Immediately afterwards, Florian Prill (DWD) stepped in for Hendryk Bockelmann (DKRZ) to present "Using well-defined interfaces to improve ESM"
This was followed by two parallel breakout groups:
- Land component with focus on feedback
- YAC, ComIn, and beyond – What do you need from natESM?
In these sessions, participants engaged in dynamic discussions on code development, model innovations, and research insights. Presentations included:
- MESSy - Bastian Kern (DLR)
- ComIN - M. Haghighatnasab (DWD)
- YAC - Moritz Hanke (DKRZ)
- Discussion
The day concluded with an icebreaker and dinner, fostering further community interaction.
Day 2 – Dynamical core, shaping tomorrow & wrap-up
Morning keynote
- Peter Korn (MPI-M) opened Day 2 with his keynote "Toward a new dynamical core for the ICON atmosphere" outlining the potential for innovation in the model’s dynamical core.
One hour to shape tomorrow
Following the keynote, the workshop continued with an intensive hour to discuss
- Land feedback and impact modelling
- Unified atmospheric chemistry and aerosol modeling (Technical aspects)
Each group explored future components for the natESM system. The session results were then shared with the entire community:
- Land component with focus on feedback [Stefan Kollet (FZ Jülich)]
- YAC, ComIn, and beyond - what do you need from natESM? [Florian Prill (DWD)]
- Land feedback and impact modeling [Sabine Attinger (UFZ)]
- Unified atmospheric chemistry and aerosol modeling [Corinna Hoose (KIT)]
- The workshop concluded with a summary by Jochem Marotzke (MPI-M).
Find the workshop summary here.
For more details, check out the final agenda and learn about past events.