
Jun 02, 2025 to Jun 06, 2025
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


NCAR's Mesa Laboratory in Boulder, CO, USA

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The DCMIP-2025 summer school surveys the design decisions in atmospheric General Circulation Models (GCMs) with a focus on their dynamical cores and takes a unique look at Machine Learning emulators for GCMs. DCMIP is built upon lectures, hands-on dynamical core & ML modeling projects, shared cyberinfrastructure, and computational tools that utilize the Community Earth System Model (CESM) from NCAR.

Open Invitation:

We invite graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from atmospheric science, computer science, applied mathematics, and related fields to participate in the DCMIP-2025 summer school. This in-person event will be held at NCAR's Mesa Laboratory in Boulder, CO, USA, from June/2-6/2025. Plan for an arrival in Boulder on Sunday (June/1/2025) and departure on Saturday (June/7/2025). Note that DCMIP-2025 cannot sponsor travel visas for the U.S.. International participants need to be able to travel to the U.S. on a visa-waiver program or with an existing visa stamp in their passports. For the hands-on modeling activities in the afternoons the selected participants will need to bring their own laptop with an X11 / X Window installation. If needed an NCAR computing account will be provided for the hands-on modeling activities with the NCAR climate model CESM.
Click here to learn more about DCMIP-2025: https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/dcmip-2025/synopsis


DCMIP-2025 provides the selected participants with transportation funding (up to the limit of $450 USD, amounts over $450 USD will need to be covered by the participant), full coverage of the hotel expenses in a shared 2-person hotel room (including breakfast), bus transportation in Boulder between the hotel in downtown Boulder and NCAR, and a total of $200 USD for lunch (NCAR cafeteria), dinner (Boulder restaurant) and local transportation expenses (e.g. airport transfers). 

The DCMIP event is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), NOAA, and NCAR.

Apply here:

The application page will be open until Friday March/28/2025: https://forms.gle/3dy8XGfTTds3yHJu7

Logistics and timing:

  • The selection of the participants will be made around April/5/2025

  • The 30 selected participants will be asked for the acceptance/declination of the DCMIP-2025 offer via email by April/9/2025.

  • We ask the selected participants to book their own flights (if flights are needed) shortly thereafter by 4/15/2025. Car expenses (mileage at standard mileage rate) are reimbursable up to $450. The flights need to be booked with an American carrier to qualify for the reimbursement. A code share between an international airline and an American airline is fine as long as all flight numbers reflect the American carrier.

  • By 4/15/2025 the flight receipts (if flights are needed) need to be sent to a University of Michigan administrator for the processing of the reimbursement (the contact information will be provided in the acceptance letters).

  • The transportation (up to $450 USD) and food/local transport ($200) allowances will be paid via check promptly after DCMIP-2025 (June 2025). We only ask for the flight receipt.

  • The application will require two appended documents: your CV (pdf format) and a 1-page supporting letter from your advisor (pdf format) which you will need to upload when applying. The application asks for the following pieces of information:

  • Personal information:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Department

    • Institution

    • Country

    • Email address

    • Cell phone (with non-US country code if applicable)

    • Gender (needed to assign the shared hotel rooms): female / male

    • Postal address (mailing address for the reimbursement check: transportation and food allowance)

  • Academic information:

    • M.S. student / Ph.D. student / Postdoc / Other (if other: list your career stage)

    • Anticipated or actual graduation year or graduation year

    • Describe your research interests and your interests in the DCMIP summer school: short essay (300 words max)

    • Describe your experience with weather or climate models: short essay (150 words max)

    • Append CV (pdf format)

    • Advisor: First and last name

    • Advisor: institution

    • Advisor: email

    • Append: 1-page supporting letter from advisor (pdf format)

  • Logistics: (yes/no)

    • DCMIP cannot sponsor U.S. travel visas. For applicants from outside the U.S.: are you able to travel to the U.S. on a visa-waiver program or with an existing visa stamp: yes/no

    • Do you live in or near Boulder (if yes, we will not reserve a hotel room for locals): yes/no

    • In case your transportation expenses are over the DCMIP spending limit ($450 for the flight plus $50 for local transportation): Can you/your institution cover the extra expenses: yes/no

    • Does your laptop provide an X11/X Window installation and the secure shell command ‘ssh’: yes/no

    • Do you have an NCAR computing account: yes/no. If yes provide NCAR login name:

  • Technical skills: Rate your familiarity with (4 categories):

  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning applications: none, beginner, intermediate, advanced

  • Python: none, beginner, intermediate, advanced

  • Fortran: none, beginner, intermediate, advanced

  • Numerical methods for partial differential equations: none, beginner, intermediate, advanced

  • NCAR’s Community Earth System Model (CESM) or the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM):  none, beginner, intermediate, advanced

  • Unix operating system: none, beginner, intermediate, advanced

DCMIP-2025: Summer School Learning Outcomes

DCMIP-2025 will enable the participants to describe and judge selected design choices for the dynamical cores of General Circulation Models (GCMs). The participants will learn how to configure, modify, run, and analyze simple configurations of the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) with a particular focus on its Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). This will be accomplished via the use of idealized test cases. Furthermore, basic Machine Learning (ML) ideas will be conveyed to enable simple benchmarks of selected ML emulators for GCMs.

DCMIP-2025 will shed light on the

  • differences between hydrostatic/nonhydrostatic and shallow-atmosphere/deep-atmosphere equation sets, and the selection criteria for the dry equation sets

  • advective and flux-form of the transport (advection) equation and desirable physical properties of numerical schemes for advection: monotonicity and positive-definiteness

  • various horizontal grids such as latitude-longitude, cubed-sphere, icosahedral, hexagonal, variable-resolution grids

  • horizontal and vertical grid staggering options like the so-called A, B, C, D, E, and Z grids, as well as the Lorenz and Charney-Philips grids

  • choice of the vertical coordinate in GCMs and the treatment of topography

  • general characteristics of numerical schemes for the spatial discretization: spectral transform, finite element, finite volume and finite difference schemes

  • general characteristics of numerical schemes for the temporal discretization: implicit versus explicit, semi-Lagrangian, one-step methods, multi-step methods

  • accuracy and stability of numerical methods

  • typical diffusion mechanisms in GCMs

  • idealized test cases for the dynamical cores of GCMs

  • Machine Learning concepts and ML emulators for GCMs