The central goal of the natESM project is to provide a service to the national ESM community that will enable the individual components of simulation-based climate research in Germany to advance the use of future supercomputers and to use them efficiently. These efforts are supported by a steering committee and a support team.

The push toward establishing a national ESM strategy arose as a bottom-up initiative from the research community, in consultation with PT-DLR and organised by the German Climate Consortium (DKK).

DKRZ, as a national institute to support the German ESM community, is neutral towards individual scientific research at the ESM community’s institutions and offers its resources and services to all climate researchers. Partnering with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) at Forschungszentrum Jülich will allow to make best use of current and upcoming HPC-systems in the (pre-) exascale era, by providing close vicinity to all HPC matters and reasonable involvement in the model development itself.

The project receives fundings from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Our latest natESM newsletter can be downloaded here (PDF).

Explore our natESM white paper on our strategy! Delve into our vision, mission, technical criteria, and strategic direction that shape the future of Earth system modeling: Click here to access the paper.

If you want to receive information about upcoming events of the natESM community please send a mail to: info[at]

Aims and Scope

The establishment of a national ESM support team will help to save resources, awaken synergies, share insights, and disseminate knowledge.

The natESM-Project focuses on different topics, which address technical, structural and scientific aspects to be solved.


Guiding principles

1. Enabling


 the motivation for gathering behind it is built by making life easier through the strategy.

2. Sustainable


the required long-term stewardship of model (sub) systems can be secured only if the steward’s legitimate self-interest
is aligned with the community task or service expected of the steward.

3. Verifiable


it must be possible to diagnose, after a reasonable time, whether the strategy has succeeded or failed.

4. Pragmatic


whatever is agreed upon must be usable and efficient. Moreover, code options, while offering enhanced flexibility, can create substantial overhead especially when code must be ported to a new architecture, and can hence severely curtail efficiency. Sometimes clear choices must be made, to be re-assessed later.


Criteria for an ESM system

Our ambition is to create a world-leading, multiscale, seamless Earth system modelling system, usable in research, operational applications, training, and education that one can see on a seperate page on our website.

The modelling system considers German expertise, does not exclude international components but avoids dependencies, and has a fit-for-purpose transparent governance structure.